We’re calling on every Trinity voter to make their vote count in 2021 by lending their voice to the fight for equality for the 600,000 people living with disabilities in Ireland. You can help us spread the word to Trinity voters. I need their No 1 votes to help transform Ireland into the truly equal Republic our children deserve. Please take a moment to spread the word online, in person or by phone. Put my poster in your window or workplace. Tell your friends and family, and let’s start the conversation.
Share Tom’s video on YouTube or on Facebook and ask Trinity graduates to give him their No 1 vote

Let Twitter know you voted No 1 Tom Clonan!

Ask your Twitter followers to vote No 1 Tom Clonan!
Connect with Tom on Linkedin here linkedin.com/in/tomclonan
Tom is determined to bring the voice of carers and people with disabilities to the Seanad, but it won’t be easy. The sitting Senators on the university panels have huge advantages over an Independent candidate like Tom, as do many of the candidates with strong connections to the Trinity network of alumni and voters. We are a small but dedicated team, and we need all the help we can get!
Please email tomclonan@gmail.com if you would like to get involved.
Print Tom’s poster and put it up in your window or workplace. Link Coming soon.
Pass on Tom’s election material
Print or download Tom’s election manifesto, and share it with Trinity graduates you know. Link Coming soon.
Email Trinity graduates you know
(suggested wording below)
As a Trinity graduate, I’m aware you may have a vote in the Seanad 2021 election. Today, I’m asking for your help to give a voice to the 600,000 people living with disabilities in Ireland by giving your No 1 vote to Tom Clonan.
Tom’s son Eoghan suffers from a rare illness that confines him to a wheelchair and impairs his vision. He is a bright, happy teenage boy, who attends secondary school with the help of his assistance dog, Duke. But austerity and inequality have robbed Eoghan of vital services and therapies. Eoghan is not alone in this country in being disabled not by his illness, but by a Republic that treats him as less because of his condition.
Tom has decided to stand for election in the University of Dublin constituency – the Trinity College Dublin (TCD) panel – to represent the thousands of young children and adults who have lost and continue to fight for basic services.
You can find out more about Tom’s campaign and his Seanad manifesto by watching his short video here. Please, make your vote count by giving it to Tom, and spread the word to other Trinity graduates you know.